Welcome to 2025 Responders!

Happy New Year Responders!

As 2025 begins we want to pull the curtains back and give you a look into what’s to come in our next update, and insight into our ambitions for the first half of the year.


Update 0.2.4

In January, we’ll launch our first update of the year. It will be lighter in content as our team puts most of its efforts into larger feature drops in the coming months. That being said, update 0.2.4 will introduce our first zombie variant that will provide a new challenge to players, selfless Firefighters that were caught between the smoldering forest fires and the horde of living dead. We hope this variant gives players clarity and reassurance in the types of new zombies that we’re crafting. 0.2.4 will also feature a rework to our ammo types, bringing more realism to the gameplay experience and aligning closer with the original No More Room in Hell.


What’s Next?

The development team is very excited about what’s to come in the first half of 2025. While 2024 was a challenge, it’s given us a lot of insight into what’s currently working in Early Access, and what areas of the experience require most of our efforts. With the support of Community feedback, we’ve updated our plan of attack and placed all of our focus for the first half of 2025 into 2 categories – 

  • Upgrading the core foundations of the game, including stability, polish, and the gameplay loop
  • Adding new exciting content to the game.


Building Our Foundation

We believe that our core gameplay loop has a ton of potential that we’re excited to build on. Updates in the coming months will reinforce the replayability of the game, and give players more of a reason to hop into their next round. Stability, optimization, and polish are all parts of this category of content updates that we’re constantly working on improving. We’re not ready to showcase everything just yet, but here are a couple examples:

  • In the next few months we’ll introduce in-game credits which you will earn through successful extraction. Players will be able to use credits to customize loadouts that they’ll have when spawning in-game. This is just the beginning of a more complex progression system.
  • We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from the community on difficulty modes, and we’re working on updating the way they work. While we have to be careful with when and where players can choose their difficulty, it’s important that they have an avenue to do so. Along with other updates to difficulty modes, we’re looking to make nightmare mode feel more… nightmarish in ways that will have a big impact on replayability.
  • We also plan to use different tools to make Powerplant more replayable, as there’s still a lot of opportunity with the Map that’s yet to be met. 


Delivering New Content

As we make our way towards 1.0 launch it’s important that we continue to add exciting new content that builds upon the foundation of our game. One of the highlights of 2024 was the sense of discovery and escape that players felt when traversing through Powerplant for the first time, and it’s important that we continue to deliver those emotions to players in different ways. In the first half of 2025 players can expect at least one large new map, new weapons, new zombie variants, and more! 

We previously announced Codename: Hospital as our next map, but late last year our Environment and Level Design teams looked at feedback from our Community and the desire for maps set in cities and towns and changed up our plans. We’re excited to announce that Codename: Town (final name to be revealed soon) will introduce players to the classic, more urbanized zombie movie setting, and will be coming next.


2025 looks to be an extremely exciting year for No More Room in Hell 2, and a lot of that has come from the feedback and support that we’ve received from the Community, thank you. In the last 8 weeks of 2024 we shipped Early Access, 4 hot fixes, 2 feature updates (including infection & self-sacrifice!) and numerous online matchmaking adjustments, all hand in hand with our Community. If you want to join in on the discussion, please join our Discord. You can also leave feedback in-game, or at NMRIH2.com/support.