Update 0.2.4 – Our first update for the year is here!
Hello Responders!
Our first update for the year is here, including additions like the Firefighter Zombie and Caliber-based Ammunition along with runner improvements, additional responder skills, and bug fixes.
Update 0.2.4 is a smaller update, as our team continues to work on the much larger 0.3.0 coming in February, with additional updates well underway too – including new maps, content and features.
New Zombie Type: Firefighter
A new zombie type is lurching into this update, the Firefighter. You will know them by their gear, and the gas canister they are wearing that can explode – from a distance, or if struck while they are in melee combat with a Responder. Upon being hit and triggered, a small flame will start to come from the oxygen tank. Responders (and zombies) will have a short period of time to back away before there is an ‘air explosion’. It will not do damage, but it can knock down zombies in the immediate vicinity.
Shooting for the head will be tricker with their helmets, but the CRC trusts that in-field Responders will figure something out.
Caliber-based Ammunition
We heard the community asking for more realistic ammunition like in the first No More Room in Hell, and are excited to announce its return in Update 0.2.4!
While some guns will still share ammo, such as shotguns that are sharing 12GA shells or the Hunter 85 and M14 that share ammunition, it does increase the amount of ammo types available to collect. Responders will need to make sure they have the ammo for the gun they are using.
Notable Additions:
- Runner Improvements
- Lunge Attacks
- Improved Climbing
- Runner Spawn Frequency
- We are adjusting the number of runners that spawn in-game thanks to community feedback – it is being reduced.
- Additional Responder Skills:
- Outdoor – 30% less damage from fire, water, gas, and electricity
- Builder – Increases stack size for barricade boards to +5 and batteries to +
- Antibodies – Reduces chance of getting infected by 50%
- Default HUD Settings
- Built according to community feedback, we have set a new ‘default’ HUD setting for players to use moving forward from Update 0.2.4 that is more immersive and less distracting
Bug Fixes
- Unequippable Pipe Wrench no longer present at the Power Plant
- Private Server Toggle and hover text in should now have the correct translations
- Match Privacy toggle was referring to “Party” instead of “Squad”
- kills were missing from the requirement list of tier 2 skills of the same category
- Ping keybinding setting that had no description text has been updated with a description
- Character skills no longer missing from ESC menu
- Mule and Mule Expert will add the Extra Inventory Slots on Nightmare Difficulty
- Lanterns will no longer be able to stop, or slow down, zombies when placed in doorways.
- The ambient zombies that were naked and present all over the Power Plant Map have been clothed
- Hairstyle on zombies will no longer disappear when gore damage takes effect on the head
- Bumping in zombies will no longer cause movement corrections to Responders
- A stretching issue on Shamblers when they were being killed is fixed
- Runner vaulting over fences will no longer get stuck in cars
- Zombies will have an easier time navigating doors
We thank our playerbase for continuing to report issues and encourage further reporting through nmrih2.com/support, in-game, or in our Discord.