Our February NIGHTMARE Update is LIVE!

Hello Responders! 

The February update is here, following up from January’s smaller 0.2.4 update, and ahead of yet another update coming in March (and more beyond!).

NIGHTMARE is one of our biggest updates yet.

We’ve listened to your feedback and have implemented new features based on it, such as our new Power Plant scenarios for more variety, updates to Nightmare Difficulty to make it more terrifying and a true testament to a player’s skill, Backfill to get people in recently started matches faster… and Weapon Attachments! 

Let’s dive into the new features coming in Update 0.3.0, NIGHTMARE.


Weapon Attachments

Weapon Attachments are coming to No More Room In Hell 2! 

Weapons have 3 different types of attachments – Sights, Rail, and Muzzles. 

Attachments will be in a separate inventory that can only be seen if you have a firearm on hand while checking the attachment inventory of it. Not every attachment will be for every weapon, and there are currently some weapons that do not have attachments. 

Responders are only limited to attach weapons as the firearm has slots for it – a weapon with a weapon slot for a Sight, a Rail, and a Muzzle attachment could take a scope, a flashlight, and suppressor, for example.


There are guns that are picked up with certain attachments already on them that cannot be removed unless those attachments are being replaced. While magnifying scopes are not available in this update, they will be coming in a future update along with more attachment options! Share your favourite weapons set up in our Discord!


New Power Plant Start Scenario

This start scenario will replace the objectives of Responders having to access laptops to enter the main Power Plant gate in our other start scenarios. Instead, you will be expected to find 3 radios. Once found, they will direct players to a body that will have a key nearby that allows responders in through one of the three side entrances. 

The radio locations will be random, though they shouldn’t expect radios to be too far away from where you start. These radios are generally found in the previously optional objectives like the Church, Firewatch Tower, and Gas Station.

This will enter the randomization of start scenarios, and have the same chance of appearing as our other starting scenarios.  

As well, our original scenario has been adjusted so that players will need to disable the Power Plant Gate security through the laptop found at two of the previously optional locations: Field Hospital, Sluice Gate, Train Station, Checkpoint, Sawmill, or Ranger Station.


New Power Plant End Scenario

We have heard players want more replayability from the map, and we have 2 new scenarios – one for the end, and one for the beginning. 

This new ending scenario would replace the generator objectives on the other scenarios with repairing infrastructure around the Power Plant HQ. 

Responders will need to repair and replace 3 types of machinery. While the CRC would suggest players follow and protect one another, it is understood that they could attempt the riskier option of carrying the piece and repairing the machinery individually, without the support or protection of their fellow responders. 

This scenario will trigger from the control room, occurring as a random chance alongside the other ending scenarios.


Nightmare Difficulty Overhaul

Nightmare Mode is being enhanced! While every difficulty is getting new Modifiers and we’re adjusting from 5 different difficulties to 3, Nightmare Mode is becoming even more distinct with its adjustments, based on community feedback.

There will be a thick fog to cover the map and ‘hardcore’ UI – forcing a minimal HUD, which means no objective markers and interaction cues. It will still show your infection status and who is speaking through VOIP. Your flashlight battery can also now run completely out, 100% dead. 

Objective mini-games are also being modified to be more difficult with this improved Nightmare Mode. All this works well with our Nightmare Levels.


Nightmare Prestige Levels

A new, simplified progression track, Nightmare Prestige is a way to… brag about your accomplishments, and will track the number of times a player successfully extracts from Nightmare Difficulty.



Backfill is a new feature for the 0.3.0 Update, and is a way for players to join a freshly launched match. It is only available for a short amount of time when a match is newly started. This will use the same spawn points, and our current matchmaking logic. We expect this feature to improve the quality of matches and time spent waiting to find a game.


Notable Additions:

  • New 2-handed melee weapon The Shovel

  • New Jump Scares in a few locations
  • Loading Flow Improvements – Audio and loading screen flow should be a lot faster
  • Player Runner Audio will give different voices for a player that has turned
  • Infection Audio Hallucinations
  • Responders will be able to unload a firearm they have in hand by looking at the gun and pressing the prompt (default ‘U’). At this time, guns on the ground cannot be unloaded, but we intend to add this in a future update.



  • Runner count has been reduced somewhat overall
  • The ‘reduced time player is down’ has been removed from higher difficulties 
  • Lowered difficulty on other difficulty levels
  • Changes to the difficulty of certain objectives – generator mini-game, code sequences length can increase on higher difficulties
  • Went from 5 difficulty levels to 3, and they are all named:
    • Classic
    • Hard
    • Nightmare
  • No inventory reduction modifier on Nightmare Mode Skills
    • The skill pool is more varied, and lots of skills no longer have restrictions to them.


Bug Fixes


  • Formal shirt cosmetic texture no longer gets distorted when sliced or dismembered
  • Responder head shouldn’t disappear when self damaged by a pipebomb
  • Attacking other players using any weapons should not apply the gore visual effects on impact
  • Planks will no longer clip into the building at the location near produce stand
  • Supply items that spawn in the car around the Campsite POI should no longer clip into the car
  • Player characters should no longer spawn into matches without a body 
  • Corpse at Wetlands/Infrastructure side entrance should not spawn untextured


  • Different surfaces now have different landing SFX instead of all having the same SFX
  • Responders infected with Stage 2 of the infection will now replicate their coughs to nearby players
  • Responders will not trigger expiry VO after dying due to self sacrifice
  • Incorrect Post-Match Extraction Music is no longer triggered for players


  • Zombies can now navigate the catwalk stairs in Power Plant
  • Floating environment assets present near Gas Station
  • The duplicate street lamps at the bridge to filtration have been removed
  • Lootable shipping container that could not be entered near Bar can now be entered
  • Side entrance gates cannot be closed permanently
  • Door will not clip into the wall when opened at Power Plant HQ
  • Responders will no longer get stuck behind the obsolete gate near Power Plant secondary entrance
  • The floating supply items that were spawning close to farmhouse will no longer float
  • Poison gas will now spawn at Ash Farm


  • Mashing LMB when interacting with the wiring minigame will no longer cause an incorrect camera view
  • Second swing of common melee weapon’s combo attack used to deal no damage to the electrical boxes
  • Explosives were originally not causing Firefighter tank to explode
  • Pipe bomb arming SFX now has attenuation while within 150m
  • Sector threat levels were originally set too high on initial load for some sectors
  • Small Fuel Can Blast radius was much larger than visualized – it has since been reduced


  • Generator hover UI is now translated at Ash Farm
  • Dynamic Groups by Proximity description should not run off screen after translation
  • Pending notifications were covering Pending Invites tab after translation
  • Wiring Mini Game instructions were overflowing off screen


  • Fixed various client crashes
  • Adjusted the performance drop that would be experienced at Hera Hospital when large amounts of zombies were present
  • Optimized the time it took to load into a match


  • Character name no longer missing from “You Died” screen
  • Compass will no longer stay toggled on after being brought up with Toggle option set to off 
  • Down bar will not remain on screen when the chopper takes off
  • Proximity IED now using the correct Ping icon 
  • All ammo types will no longer be using the utility item Ping UI icon
  • Inventory tile hover state effect will not remain visible if the player closes the inventory before the effect fully played out
  • The ‘Drop All’ option was missing for stackable items in most Inventory slots and has now been added
  • Moving items between quick slots and backpack slots with auto-sort on will no longer cause the Inventory to show wrong item information at times
  • Match privacy toggle has been clarified that solo players are not joining a private lobby
  • Non-squad zombified players’ nameplates will also appear outside the Compass view
  • Visibility Preset settings have a description in the Options menu
  • Zombified player’s status will change to “Deceased” on the Scoreboard when they are fully zombified, not after they have left the session
  • Social dropdown widget list options will have a consistent hover state coloring in the Social Panel
  • The Friend list in the Social Tab will update more frequently
  • “Player Added” text no longer persisting on Add Friends widget when reopened
  • Squad leader icon will no longer be the same as zombified player icon
  • Eagle eye is now listed only once in the skill requirement tooltip
  • Phalanx pills usage prompt UI will not show up unless the Responder is infected
  • Stackable items will combine in players inventory even if the stack is not in the first available slot
  • Gene Therapy Ping HUD Icon will represent the item
  • Nameplates on front end will no longer be disabled even if using the Minimal/Compass UI preset
  • Supply counter no longer missing from Dynamic Group info widget
  • Scroll wheel can be used as a valid keybinding
  • Squad member avatars in the front end scene will update to reflect changes in squad member characters
  • Players will get a character selection prompt after exiting a match if they no longer have a character.

User Experience

  • Syringe will be visible for the player or others when used
  • Responders should be able to break barricades when shoving with nothing equipped
  • Being in deep water will kill the player
  • Responders shouldn’t clip into the wall when looting a cargo box at Checkpoint POI
  • Responders will not collide with blood bag stands at Checkpoint POI
  • Self-Sacrifice should not be able to be triggered before the readying animation is complete
  • Players shouldn’t be able to interact with background elements when Options menu is opened while at Frontend
  • Users should not be removed from private matches if they have died in any previous session
  • Responders will no longer get stuck on staircase in Hospital POI
  • Character XP will still trigger even if players leave a match too soon after extracting
  • Players will no longer be soft locked in holstered state if they switched quick slots while items were dropped
  • Infection death flow camera transition should flow to spectator camera without issue without standing up
  • Responders are no longer able to traverse water killzones by jumping


  • 3rd Player Perspective animations will no longer linger in the 2 handed idle animation when switching to or from the Pipebomb
  • Hunter 85 will not have its floating clip during reload and unload actions
  • Pipebomb spawner has been re-placed back inside the box at Saw Mill stash room


  • Zombies will be not get stuck at the bottom of the Cooling Tower entrance staircase
  • Zombies will no longer teleport through doors when attempting to break them down at the Lookout Tower. Barricade wisely
  • Responders will no longer take damage from zombies when they are not being hit by zombies
  • Zombies will not get stuck in the falling state forever when trying to cross railings. Just an appropriate amount of time
  • Walkers will not damage a Responder when not facing them
  • Damage taken will happen accurately instead of being delayed when the Walker uses a heavy attack against a Responder
  • Zombies will now be attracted to nearby players instead of ignoring them for some time while chasing their original target
  • The naked zombie that was found at a vista point near Lookout Tower has been redressed. Our thoughts are with that Responder
  • Zombies will no longer have difficulty navigating the Sluice Gate interior staircase doors. Be aware of your surroundings, Responders
  • Runners will attack when close to the player
  • Firefighter oxygen tanks cannot being triggered by electricity
  • Firefighter oxygen tanks cannot being triggered by fire
  • Shamblers will deal damage to the player when attacking


We thank our playerbase for continuing to report issues and encourage further reporting through nmrih2.com/support, in-game through the menu, or in our Discord .